25 Years of Bliss <3

Psalm 34:8 “O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!”

Psalm 84:11 “For the LORD God is a sun and shield; The LORD gives grace and glory; No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.”

So I am officially 25 years old! 🙂 Woohoo! I survived a quarter of my life and I must say, I enjoyed most of it. MOST! (Well, nobody is perfect. I did things and made decisions in the past that I regret and I definitely learned from them!)

I can clearly remember when I turned 20, I felt like my time was moving too fast and that I am getting old quickly (Yesss, I’m scared of aging! haha). I remember telling myself that I have to make my life count before I reach the age of 26. And so, I did! (Thank God!)

If you are wondering, why 26? nothing significant, its just because I feel like 26 is the age where I can settle, engage into bigger things and its also my favorite number- haha!. as I’ve said, nothing significant. It’s just good to challenge yourself and make a better YOU in the long run. 🙂

You see, I am the type who loves to look back from where I’ve been, what I’ve been through and see how far or how well I did in my life and then reflect and think about all the instances that brought me to where I am right now. So, yes, please please bear with my flashback moments here, sometimes it’s good to reminisce and remember the past because it opens your eyes to a bigger perspective and to a larger purpose.

  So, what are the highlights in the first quarter of my life?  

First. I made a big step to adulthood.        

I survived Economics major in Business. Wohoo! I couldn’t have made it through college without the support and love of my parents. This marked the start of a journey bigger than myself. The Lord has been so faithful in providing for my needs in the four years of my college adventure. He has proven his sovereignty and faithfulness countless times already and this is one of the moments where I can never forget how Big and Real my God is.

I graduated at the age of 19, and from then on, life wasn’t the carefree and easy one as I have known it to be. It’s true that after you graduate, you get into the real world. And when we say real, we really mean REAL! Hardships, struggles, challenges, victories, triumphs, and everything we heard about life, it gets REAL! But hey, life is still good! Because we have a good God who promises to give us a good Life! ❤


Second. I started my first career as a banker.

At the age of 20, I found a job as a Customer Service Assistant-teller in a prestigious bank.I loved my job. I enjoyed my time while I was learning and stretching my character and I made a lot of friends while I was there. I was tested and challenged in a lot of ways, I was given bigger responsibiliteis along the way  and I was honored to be entrusted with bigger tasks even as a staff. I gained knowledge, I gained experience, I gained a lot of my character, I gained friends, and I gained faith as I was working my way through the corporate ladder.

At the age of 22, I got promoted to be an officer and everything just went by so fast. I did my work, I did it well because I loved my job and I was aspiring to be better and better in everything that I do. My whole experience in my first career was one that I know God allowed to happen to me because He was molding me and changing me in ways I wasn’t aware of. Eventually I resigned from my work,-despite how good and great my journey was– not because I lost heart for it. But because God was putting me somewhere else and that He has a bigger and brighter plans for me. My security and confidence is in the Lord and no matter where He puts me, I know He knows the best for me. 🙂

Excuse the lipsticks. haha.
Work work work .:)
With the girls who make work so much easier and fun 🙂

Third. I got out from my comfort zone and embraced self-employment bravely.

At the age of 24, I bravely burst my bubble and engaged into self-employment. I am now a financial advisor in an international company. I let go of what was familiar and safe and started relying on God for my future. I was challenged, and even scared to take on a new journey but I knew in my heart that God was teaching me faith and obedience. I took a leap of faith and now I am enjoying my time as a financial advisor. I’m glad that I now control my own time, I don’t need to report to the office at a particular time and day, I can now do a lot more things at my own pace and time.

In this journey, I felt the Lord’s sovereignty and hand in a deeper level. My faith is challenged everyday but it gets bigger and bigger as each day passes. I learned to rely not on my own strength but in God’s. I learned how supernatural our God is and how He protects and provides for His children in His perfect time. I can say that going out of my comfort zone opened a lot of doors of opportunity for me, and it allowed me to grow and learn everyday in all aspects of my life.

You can dress up and look fab everyday with this line of work 🙂
Proud and grateful 🙂

Fourth. I have committed to live for Christ.

In my early 20’s, I have experienced God in an intimate level. My life was changed and redirected towards a cause. My eyes were opened to the truth and I have laid down my life for the glory of God. After everything that the Lord showed me and poured in my life, in return I give and dedicate my life for His purpose. I decided to serve Him and His kingdom and live my life according to his righteousness.

It was last year, 2015, where the Lord used me as his vessel to reach out and minister to people. I wasn’t deserving and I will never deserve to be his vessel but I have completely decided in my heart that my life will be lived for Him alone. The Lord taught me,molded me, pruned me, and stretched me not so I can live my life for a selfish agenda. Whatever he taught me , and whatever goodness and blessings He poured in my life, I will always pay it forward. I chose to serve His people and I chose to love more and worship more in exchange of His perfect love for me.

Learning and growing together with my lifegroup ladies. ❤
Serving His kingdom all the days of my life.
Serving together as lovers.
Serving together as Mr. and Mrs. ❤

Fifth. I got engaged to a very wonderful man.

My longtime boyfriend asked me to be his lifetime partner at the age of 24. At this early age, the Lord just poured his blessings and goodness in my life. Never have I imagined that my boyfriend would ask for my hand in a very romantic place with my family in there at the time of my life where I myself was being stretched, tested, molded and challenged.  The proposal happened in Hongkong and it was the sweetest and the most intimate thing I ever experienced. ( Check out my blogs for a detailed version of the proposal. hehe )

The YES part 🙂
Post YES part. haha

Sixth. I am married to a very beautiful man that God chose for me.

24 and married. I couldn’t believe it myself. It feels so reel and it still feels like a dream. I have always dreamed of marrying a man who loves the Lord more than I do, a man whom I can look up to in faith and character. June 21, 2016 marked the biggest event of my life yet! And I can not help but just thank the Lord for all his goodness and faithfulness in my life. Everything happened so fast. But everything was savored heartily. My wedding was an answered prayer and my marriage will be an example and an inspiration to many. 🙂

The Vows.
Mr. and Mrs. G! ❤

The Lord is evident and sovereign in the first quarter of my life. Everything that I’ve been through and everything that I accomplished, it was all because of God’s grace and love for me. His love, grace, mercy, and hope is what keeps me going in life. For 24 years of my life, my heart is just full of love and gratefullness for everything that the Lord blessed me with. I am blessed with family and friends. I am blessed with experiences. I am blessed beyond words.

And now that I am 25! Well, I know there is still so much to learn and to experience. I know that testings and challenges will be bigger. I know that I have to go through a lot of things for me to grow. But I am at peace knowing that the Lord will continue to guide me and protect me in my journey. In whatever decision I make, I pray for wisdom and discernment. Wherever life will take me, I will continue to fight and press on in becoming the person that God wants me to be. And whatever life will throw at me, I will be glad and grateful knowing that I am exactly where God wants me to be and that I am secured and safe under His will for my life.

I will continue to pray for strength to overcome challenges. I will continue to pray for wisdom to make the right decisions. I will continue to pray for my faith so I can please the Lord with my life. I will continue to dwell in His love and grace, so I can live my life with a purpose. And most importantly, I pray that I will become the woman that God purposed me to be. And that I will live the next quarter of my life giving glory and honor to His mighty name.

Thank you Lord for adding another year to my life. All glory belongs to you! I love you! ❤

Psalm 23:6 “Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.”




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